The Poorman's Off Chassis Restoration.Com
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MushroomDestructive Testing Mushroom

Thought you where an engineer and could rebuild
it stronger,fast, but it just exploded into
smaller pieces. Maybe your just a test Gorilla
and beat things until the tow truck shows
up. So you've been guilty of crimes against the
ASE. Who hasn't??? Send us your pictures 
(30k images),of your destructive tendencies.
send to
Side swiped by an airport plow 
on the runway.

Snow-Strap-Sloth(R rated)
Image Image
New universal lifters and a lumpless cam. 
Out of the 68 Firebird you see being restored
live on this site.

Image Image 
Low bridge?

Damaged goods Damaged goods 
The towbar goes on the nose gear!